The most annoying mistake to make

By far, the one of the most frustrating mistakes I have ever made has been to

By far, the one of the most frustrating mistakes I have ever made has been to “quit too early.”

What I mean by quitting too early is:

‘Giving up’ on a good opportunity before allowing it the chance to get the result I wanted.

Of course, this is a double edged sword because you don’t want to be in a weak opportunity vehicle for too long - that is a great way to waste time.

I’m sure you know that Warren Buffett quote:

"It doesn't matter how hard you row. It matters which boat you get in."

But by being overly conscious of this advice (which is great advice), it is easy to switch boats too frequently.

Because you know what a REALLY great way to waste time is?

Spending 6 months in an opportunity, getting close to getting a result, and then giving up and moving to the next thing and having to start all over again.

Then, what most people do is to repeat this cycle and never get any results.

Not just with business models, offers and ‘big’ things though. This happens in the worst way in many different areas of the business.

For example, you start running ads, and after 3 days you decide it doesn’t work.

Or you start cold email, send 100 emails and didn’t get any replies, so you quit.

Or you commit to daily content, and then on the 5th day you’re already hitting everyone with the "damn, I really don’t want to make this video, but I’m showing up on camera anyway!” type video, that just shows everyone you are getting close to your limit.

If you do something like this too many times in a row, you end up just running in a circle every few months, and starting from scratch.

Hormozi said in his webinar that it took 6 months to get his cold outreach mechanisms to work. What makes you think that after one week yours should be working? Are you operating at a higher level than Hormozi?

If you are, cool, please teach me something.

If you are not, cool, there is a lot of work to do.

So now, when we’re testing something at my company, we make absolute sure that we are not leaving anything to chance.

Which means doing a lot of volume, testing fast, failing fast, and building in feedback loops so we can progress and grow as a company.

Hope this helps.
