The key to competence in 2024

These days, you can barely step outside without someone telling you what to do.

These days, you can barely step outside without someone telling you what to do.

And I’m not talking about random people who don’t know anything.

You have Hormozi, Alex Becker, Iman Gadzhi and a bunch of people (who are smart) telling you to go in X or Y direction.

One of the keys to becoming competent is actually knowing when to completely reject advice from smart people.

Most of the time when people on the internet give advice, it is:

  • Based on their experience

  • Biased towards their marketing techniques

  • Skewed by their views of the world

That stuff is all semi-obvious, but when the advice is coming from someone you respect, it can be easy to forget it.

But here’s the truth:

Someone else’s experience is rarely congruent with your reality.

Which would make the advice they give completely obsolete.

So when you’re scrolling the timeline and you get 10 pieces of conflicting advice, you simply need to ignore most of it, and consider what is relevant in your situation.

What are your strengths?

What is holding you back from making more money?

What do you need to do and learn so you can progress?

Then you focus ruthlessly on those things.

And nothing else.