Lessons from a coffee with 8 figure operator

This morning I was having coffee with a very smart and well respected guy from the online money space that I randomly ran into in Europe.

A few nights ago I was walking through the town and saw him having dinner and I was like:

“Oh tf, that is {name}”

So we grabbed coffee this morning and I wanted to distill the nuggets of wisdom that I took away, and send them here so I can remember them + share them:

  1. Key Relationships

Every person I know who is 10x richer than me all put a heavy focus on key relationships.

Meaning, when they get a chance to catch up with someone who could give them an insight, another connection, or some type of nugget, they always do it.

That means a few things:

  • Never be scared to ask someone to catch up. If they think you can give them some value, they will say yes. Obviously don’t ask if you have nothing to provide, but if you have a bit of status/authority, they will probably agree.

  • You should be open to building relationships in different niches and verticals. Even one insight or relationship that someone gives you can be worth millions. It might be a ‘waste of time’ or you might get something out of it. God forbid you do some socialising lol.

  • Think about how you can build yourself into someone who is worth meeting important people. That might mean growing your current vehicle to an impressive level, posting great content, or doing anything remarkable. The side benefit of growing businesses is that you get access to cool people. This can help you with your future ventures.

  1. Just do whatever works for you

Every time I meet someone successful they have a different routine, different things that make them tick and different backstories.

The only lesson in there is that in some ways, there is no point caring about anyone else’s advice. '

Of course you should take different perspectives into account, but at the end of the day you should know what is best for you in terms of productivity etc.

  1. Long term goals

At one point while we were talking he asked me what my long term goals were.

Tbh, I was kind of stumped.

My plan was just to keep scaling my business until the cows come home.

It’s not that it is bad to be purely focusing on the moment, but it’s also a good idea to get a gauge on where you’re going.

After thinking for a bit, my long term goals are:

  • Build a great brand

  • Keep working on stuff that I like and care about with good people around me

  • Scale hard in whatever vertical I’m in

It might sound basic, but my long term goal is just to continue learning and growing. That is the thing that consistently gives me fulfilment.

  1. Just be grateful

It is really easy to get caught in the weeds of what you’re doing, especially if you are physically isolated from people in your industry.

That can lead to a sort of mental burnout, not feeling that much joy and losing sight of the bigger picture.

If you’re like me, most of your time is spent in an office or in your room just clicking buttons on a laptop.

But whenever I get to catch up with a smart person from the space, it’s always a good chance to step back and be grateful for how far you’ve come.

For example, a few years ago I was in uni with no way forward.

Today, I was getting coffee with a super sharp operator in Europe.

It’s not as if that is some landmark accolade or achievement, but it is always good to get a chance to reflect and think about the best path forward.

And then get back to work.

So with that, I leave you for the day.

Back to work now.

If you want to learn something, you can watch this video.

Other than that, I’ll catch you tomorrow.