The truth about 'talent' in business

If you look into any classroom across the world, there will be a clear distribution of success.

Some people get A’s.

Some people get B’s.

Some people get C’s.

And so on.

It is no different with business.

From any group of 100 business owners, some will be hyper-talented, and some won’t be.

This isn’t meant to be a doomer post to tell you its over for you if you aren’t talented, it is just realistic.

If you are one of the hyper-talented ones, run laps around everyone all day.

If you aren’t, you will just need to work a little bit harder and use that as motivation.

The main lesson here is that the odds will either be stacked for you, or against you.

So what do you do?


Do you fold as soon as you get a hand in poker that isn’t 1000% optimised?

Well, maybe sometimes.

But if you didn’t have the ability to draw a new hand?

You’d probably play it out.

The point is that your cards have been dealt and you’ve got what you’ve got.

You can complain about it, or just lean into it.

If you aren’t talented, you can always say:

“I was never the most talented, but I was always the hardest worker”

And if you are talented, you can always say:

“I run laps around these fools in half the time”

Either one is fine, but you should note that the winners will always just reframe their situation to be a winning one, rather than allowing it to hold them back.

Always take advantage of your situation, and never let your situation take advantage of you.

If you want to make $1m/yr, It doesn’t require talent, you just have to do money making stuff over and over until it works.

This is the only video you’ll ever need to do it (link).

And it’s free.
